Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A book tells you how to use data mining for fighting the crime

Data mining can also be used to predict where and when crimes will occur most likely in the future. This is not a statement from the film Minority Report (Spielberg) but the thesis presented in the book Data Mining and Predictive Analysis: Intelligence Gathering and Crime Analysis, written by Colleen McCue, senior researcher at International LRTI. In her book, McCue says that the predictive data mining can identify trends in crime and anticipate criminal events allowing the police forces to refine the internal decision processes. The same tools used to fill the supermarkets' shelves can be used to secure the community and improve the civil life if adopted by the police forces, McCue says, with some arrangements concerning some of the guidelines of data mining, and the application of specialized software tools.

Monday, June 28, 2010

APID analyis of the interactions between proteins

Agile Protein Interaction DataAnalyzer (APID), a Web-based tool for bioinformatics, developed to allows the users to make their analyses through a unified and comparative platform main currently-known information about protein-protein interactions identified using specific methods of testing small and large-scale.
At the moment, the software includes information from five main enclosed big datasets in a single database server, designed for the exploration of 40000 different proteins and nearly 150,000 different interactions.
APID also includes graphical tools for interactive visualization of sub-networks and navigating through them or the long linters Dinter network.

For more information please visit

Friday, June 25, 2010


Gapminder is a Swedish non-profit foundation that promotes the sustainable development and the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through the use of statistical data on economic, social and environmental impacts both locally and nationally. We define as a "modern" museum "that helps making the world understandable, using the Internet." Gapminder World available on the website collects an impressive amount of data (population, energy, wealth, illness, work, trade, disaster ...) and lets them relate to each other on a graph or map.

R Analysis of Ecological Communities

Montana State University published on its web a section containing some extracts relating to the fundamental topics of their course Analysis of Ecological Communities.
This is a real laboratory that introduce the analysts to the deployment of R , and covers all the main analysis applied to this type of study (consider, for example, detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and all instruments derived from GIS). There is a series of example data files, so as structured data files Beauty consulting traditionally used for species and plant ecological communities.
This guide allows those who are already familiar with user of R, to achieve the highest quality and - most importantly - how to apply these techniques in their research.
Some of these sections here contained:
Introduction to the use of R
Getting Data
Loading Data Vegetation and simple graphical summary
Loading Site Data and Simple
Graphical summary
Summary tables
Species Distributions Modeling
Generalized Linear Models
Generalized additive models
Classification Trees
Principal Component Analysis
Analysis of Principal Coordinates
Multidimensional Scaling
Correspondence Analysis and Correspondence Analysis Detrended
Cluster Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Discriminant Analysis with Classifiers for Trees

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Understanding Economic Statistics (book)

On the website OECD there is a volume (Understanding Economic Statistics: an OECD perspective) that introduces the main concepts used by statisticians and economists to detect, measure and describe the economic phenomena. The book describes which are the sources of data available on the internet and contains an overview of key economic statistics produced by OECD. The last chapter is dedicated to quality (as you recognize?) statistical data. The author is Enrico Giovannini , Chief Statistician and Director of the Directorate of Statistic OECD. The reading is strongly suggested for those who use statistical data (and not just cheap!) for articles, publications, blog (journalists, authors, politicians ...) but also to all those who want to learn more!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Synergy 3000: The First DOT-NET SPC software

Zontec Inc announced the release of a software for Statistical Process Control (SPC) Synergy 3000. This is the first true web application for lSPC developed with Microsoft. NET (dot net).

Thanks to the .NET technology for its development environment, Zontec exploits component-oriented tools and programming languages for the next generation. .NET framework provides the Synergy 3000 users with a great flexibility in the management of various applications SPC. Synergy 3000 will be run as any application in Windows 7 or Vista and run through the most popular Web browser.

The decision of adopting this solution allows Zontec to overcome many practical problems of memory, resulting from conflicts between applications, security systems, incompatibilities between hardware and maintenance functions that often plague the most common solutions SPC on the market today.

Quality Managers, Process Engineers and operators can monitor real-time the status of the production, solve problems or analyze data across a multitude of functions by making a simple login to the corporate server through the web browser from any computer in the world .