We offer statistical consulting for data analyses and statistical elaborations to students in need of help with a dissertation Methods or Results section. A team of highly qualified consultants can help you to design surveys and analyze data using SPSS, SAS, StatSoft STATISTICA, EVIEWS, R, PC-ORD, JMP, SYSTAT, etc.
• If you need help using any of the statistical software above
• If you have any questions about statistics in general or need a statistical tutor
• If you want to know which analyses or statistical tests will best answer your questions
• If you need to prepare tables and graphs for your reports
• If you need help combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, data collection, or data analysis
• If you need help with data handling/databases
Send an email to statisticaltutor@gmail.com
A highly qualified statistician will immediately be available to answer questions dealing with any of your analytical problems!
We have more than five years’ experience as statisticians in academic medical research. Moreover, we provide statistical consulting services to doctoral students operating in several academic fields, such as:
Ecological and Environmental Science
Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Agriculture and Forestry
Population Genetics and Evolution
Clinical and Research Psychology
And more…
You can read more about our credentials here.

The specialties of our team of professional statisticians are:
Descriptive and Base Statistics
Descriptive statistics, breakdowns, and exploratory data analysis (general-purpose descriptive statistics, many specialized descriptive statistics and diagnostics, etc)
Correlations (all common measures of association, including Pearson r, Spearman rank order R,part and partial correlations, autocorrelations, various distance measures, etc)
Basic Statistics from Results Spreadsheets (Tables)
T-Tests (tests for dependent and independent samples, single samples (testing means against user-specified constants) can be computed, multivariate Hotelling's T 2 tests, etc)
Frequency Tables, Crosstabulation Tables, Stub-and-Banner Tables, Multiple Response Analysis
(Available statistical tests for crosstabulation tables include the Pearson, Maximum-Likelihood and Yates-corrected Chi-squares; McNemar's Chi-square, the Fisher exact test (one- and two-tailed), etc.)
Multiple Regression Methods (linear regression techniques, including simple, multiple, stepwise, hierarchical, nonlinear , Ridge regression, with or without intercept, and weighted least squares models, etc.)
Nonparametric Statistics (Wald-Wolfowitz runs test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Wilcoxon matched pairs test, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by ranks, Median test, Sign test, Friedman ANOVA by ranks, Cochran Q test, McNemar test, Kendall coefficient of concordance, Kendall tau (b, c), Spearman rank order R, Fisher's exact test, Chi-square tests, V-square statistic, Phi, Gamma, Sommer's d, contingency coefficients, and others)
ANOVA/MANOVA (univariate and multivariate analysis of variance of factorial designs with or without one repeated measures variable, etc.)
Distribution Fitting (Normal, Rectangular, Exponential, Gamma, Lognormal, Chi-square, Weibull, Gompertz, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, or Bernoulli distribution)
Advanced Linear and Non-Linear Models
Variance Components and Mixed Model ANOVA/ANCOVA
Survival/Failure Time Analysis (Kaplan-Meier product limit estimates, Gehan test, Cox F-test, Cox-Mantel test, Log-rank test, and Peto & Peto generalized Wilcoxon test, etc.)
General Nonlinear Estimation (Beta, Binomial, Cauchy, Chi-square, Exponential, Extreme value, F, Gamma, Geometric, Laplace, Logistic, Normal, Log-Normal, Pareto, Poisson, Rayleigh, t (Student), or Weibull distribution, etc.)
Log-Linear Analysis of Frequency Tables
Time Series Analysis/Forecasting (all common time series transformations, autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation, and crosscorrelation analyses, ARIMA, Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Exponential Smoothing, Classical Seasonal Decomposition (Census Method I), X-11 Monthly and Quarterly Seasonal Decomposition and Seasonal Adjustment (Census Method II), Spectrum (Fourier) and Cross-Spectrum Analysis, etc.)
Advanced Models (Regression Models, Partial Least Squares Models, and others)

Multivariate Exploratory Techniques
Cluster Analysis Techniques (k-means, hierarchical clustering, two-way joining, etc.)
Factor Analysis
Principal Components & Classification Analysis
Canonical Correlation Analysis (we compute statistics including eigenvectors, eigenvalues, redundancy coefficients, canonical weights, loadings, extracted variances, significance tests for each root, etc.)
Reliability/Item Analysis (correlation matrices and descriptive statistics for items, Cronbach alpha, the average inter-item correlation, the complete ANOVA table for the scale, the complete set of item-total statistics, the split-half reliability, and the correlation between the two halves corrected for attenuation, etc.)
Classification Trees
Correspondence Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
Discriminant Analysis
Power Analysis
Sample Size Calculation
Confidence Interval Estimation
Statistical Distribution Calculators
(1-sample t-test, 2-sample independent sample t-test, 2-sample dependent sample t-test, Planned contrasts, 1-way ANOVA (fixed and random effects), 2-way ANOVA, Chi-square test on a single variance, F-test on 2 variances, Z-test (or chi-square test) on a single proportion, Z-test on 2 independent proportions, Mcnemar's test on 2 dependent proportions, F-test of significance in multiple regression, t-test for significance of a single correlation, Z-test for comparing 2 independent correlations, Log-rank test in survival analysis, Test of equal exponential survival, with accrual period, Test of equal exponential survival, with accrual period and dropouts, Chi-square test of significance in structural equation modelling, Tests of "close fit" in structural equation modeling confirmatory factor analysis)
We offer free fee estimates.
Send an email to statisticaltutor@gmail.com specifying your name, a short description of your project and your analytical needs (e.g., data analysis, report writing, charts/graphs, software tutoring), your final deadline.
Once your e-mail is received, one of our consultants will contact you directly and answer all your questions regarding type of service, price and return time.