Friday, July 2, 2010

Rattle: User interface for data mining with R

Rattle (R Analytical Tool To Learn Easily) the simple and logical user interface with R for data mining. This is an application for data mining, provided with a graphical Gnome environment based on the popular open-source language R. The software runs on GNU / Linux, Macintosh, OS / X and MS / Windows. The interface provides practical and intuitive tools allowing the users to easily follow every steps of the fundamental data mining process, so as to display both the R code used from time to time. Graphical tools integrated into it should be sufficient for all purposes and all necessity.
Latest release available for download at:
In this version, lutente have the following sections:
- Data: Importing CSV to Dataset Support R; ODBC
- Exploration: Event Summary; Correlations between Characteristics; Groups Features hierarchical dendrogram
- Graphics: Box plots, histograms, CFD Benfords Law, Bar Charts, Dot plot
- Analysis of Groups: KMeans; Analysis with Hierarchical dendrogram
- Modeling: decision trees (rpart), Generalized Linear Models, Boosting, Random Forests, Support Vector Machine;
- Rating: Confusion Matrix, Risk Chart; Lift Chart, ROC curves and AUC, Accuracy, Sensitivity.